CCSO: On December 10, 2024 and around 2:46-PM, North Coos dispatch received a call of a female trying to get onto two boats in the Charleston Marina and Deputy Z. Smith was notified of the call. Shortly after, an additional caller reported the same female was now walking in the middle of the roadway on the Charleston Bridge. Deputy Z. Smith and Deputy Freerksen located the female on Cape Vera Highway near Libby Lane. The female was identified as Angela Osborn (46), whom was on active probation. While Angela was speaking with Deputies, she was exhibiting signs consistent with intoxication and the probation officer was informed of the situation. Upon further investigation, Angela was subsequently taken into custody on an authorized detainer for a probation violation. Angela was transported to Coos County jail, where she was booked.
WHEN: Dec 10, 2024 at 02:46 PM
WHERE: Charleston Marina
Angela Osborn
posted 4 months ago