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Jeremiah Lee Thomas (02/17/1986)  SEX OFFENDER

Last Known Address: 275 N BROADWAY ST APT 601 COOS BAY, OR 97420 Sex: M Height: 5'08 Weight: 160 Hair: BRO Eyes: BRO TATTOOS: ARM, LEFT Description: "LINDA" SCARS: HAND, LEFT TATTOOS: ARM, RIGHT Description: CROSS WITH LIGHTING BOLTS TATTOOS: SHOULDER, RIGHT Description: BLACK OUTLINE OF CROSS Convictions: 07/29/2005 SEX ABUSE 1-FEL 02/13/2014 SEX ABUSE 3-MISD

A Coos Bay sex offender charged with a litany of new sex crimes missed his court date Thursday and now has a warrant out for his arrest. Jeremiah Lee Thomas is being charged with three counts each of second-degree and third-degree sexual abuse, failure to report as a sex offender, fourth-degree assault, sexual misconduct and contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor. Thomas, 27, was found guilty of first-degree sexual abuse in 2005 and spent more than six years in prison. Judge Michael J. Gillespie issued the warrant and set security at $25,000.

WHEN: May 25, 2013
WHERE: Coos Bay
SUSPECT: Jeremiah Lee Thomas  SEX OFFENDER

posted almost 12 years ago