Reports of man with machete jumping into traffic on the Isthmus Slough Bridge. CBPD identifies the suspect as Jarred Yokum who is a known problem in the area, and find him sitting outside his home in Eastside with the machete. Yokum threatens the cops that he will kill them if they come into his home and then he retreats inside. Dispatch calls his parole officer who agrees to detain him on a parole violation, but the jail will not take him because he is heavily intoxicated. Police on scene also noted that they would have been unwilling to enter the home to detain him given the threats and his intoxication level. So he is free to terrorize citizens and our local law enforcement will just stand by and watch it happen. Bunch of pussies. No wonder the criminals think they run this town.
WHEN: Jul 23, 2024 at 12:45 PM
WHERE: 806 6th Ave, Eastside
Jarred Franklin Yokum
posted 8 months ago
BOOKED: Feb 13, 2024
RELEASED: Feb 14, 2024
0161.405 - Attempt to Commit Crime
0164.365 - Criminal Mischief 1st Degree over $1,000
0163.190 - Menacing
0162.315 - Resisting Arrest
0166.025 - Disorderly Conduct 2nd Degree
0164.255 - Criminal Trespass 1st Degree
0164.345 - Criminal Mischief 3rd Degree
0166.220 - Unlawful Use of Weapon
0166.220 - Unlawful Use of Weapon
0163.190 - Menacing
0163.190 - Menacing
0133.076 - Failure to appear on criminal citation
36-year old Jarred Franklin Yokum charged with Arson I, “transported to CCJ.”
WHEN: Sep 24, 2022 at 11:18 AM
WHERE: 800 block 6th Ave, Coos Bay
Jarred Franklin Yokum
posted over 2 years ago