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Wayne Allen Smith (1981)

Police have arrested two men — who fled from police in December — on second-degree and third-degree rape charges. Wayne A. Smith, 30, of Salem, is charged with second-degree rape and furnishing alcohol to a minor. Three teens, including the district attorney's son, already were charged with having sex with the same girl. Though the sexual contact is not alleged to have been forcible, the girl was too young to give legal consent. Smith's younger brother, William A. Smith, 26, also of Salem, is charged with two counts of third-degree rape and giving liquor to a minor. Police say William Smith's charges are in connection with two additional victims, whom police discovered while investigating the original case. Coquille police say the investigation is still pending. Police have been seeking these two men in connection with the case since the original victim's family members told police they believed the girl had sexual relations with the men. The two suspects fled the area after the first three arrests, according to a police news release.

WHEN: Feb 01, 2012
WHERE: Coquille
Wayne Allen Smith
William A Smith

posted about 1 year ago