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Veronika Akhramovich

Dispatch reports a group of citizens seeing a heavily intoxicated mother leave the store and attempting to keep her from getting back into her vehicle to drive away with her children in the vehicle. They call police and delayed her leaving the store long enough for police to pull her over only blocks away from the store. The officer notes that the car was "all over the road" and neither child was secure in their seats (one was apparently of the age where they should have been in a car seat). 36-year old Veronika Akhramovich charged with DUII, Reckless Driving & Reckless Endangering X3. She was arrested and transported to CCJ just to be booked & released. We hope that she uses this experience as an opportunity to seek help.

WHEN: Jan 12, 2025 at 07:50 PM
WHERE: Empire 7-11 (Coos Bay)
SUSPECT: Veronika Akhramovich

posted 3 months ago